Two-year-olds use their senses and motor skills to explore the world and are highly curious about unfamiliar objects, events and phenomena. New discoveries are also facilitated by a two-year-old’s blossoming language skills that prompt many “why,” “what” and “how” questions. Physically, two-year-olds explore all the ways to travel from here to there, including rolling, crawling, creeping, walking, running, jumping and climbing
Three-year-olds learn primarily through exploring using all their senses. They are also able to listen to and understand conversations, stories, songs and poems. Children of this age develop their logical reasoning skills as they play.
When it comes to learning, four-year-olds are developing greater self-control and ingenuity. Their pretend play is more complex and imaginative and can be sustained for longer periods. They begin communicating in complex and compound sentences, have very few pronunciation errors, and expand their vocabularies daily. They use logical reasoning to solve everyday problems and can effectively use language to compare and describe objects and shapes
Five-year-olds are creative and enthusiastic problem solvers. They offer progressively more imaginative ideas like how to do a task, make something or solve longer-term or more abstract challenges. Five-year-olds begin to extend their oral language skills to reading and writing. They also can discuss stories and are able to tell their own tales. The mathematical thinking of children of this age becomes more abstract. Physically, five-year-olds are abounded with energy and seek active games and environments.
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